The curricular structure of the agricultural production technology is a part of an integral professional formation that recently SENA offers, where the new curricular designs approach to the development of the working competences, which main purpose is bring up people with relevant and pertinent knowledge, abilities, competences and values to the working performance and it points to develop those elements which are needed to be competent.
The Learners qualification level is B and it is directed to people with 11 grade of schooling. they are selected and presented for agropecuary business and with vocation and positive actitude towards the agricultural sector.
In this curricular structure are presented the institutional and specific modules which are integrated to the agricultural production technology formation. It is conformed by 2 institutional modules, 8 specific modules and a specialization directly associated to the working competences Norms and Units which are pertinents. Also, it is presented the contents of each one of the modules as a result tof the formation process the learner will be in capacity of
performing the role of: supervisor, advisor, agricultural business unid chief or manager.
performing the role of: supervisor, advisor, agricultural business unid chief or manager.
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